Amar Sean Prashant Shabbir & Harris

Amar Sean Prashant Shabbir & Harris

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Organization Citizenship Behavior

The protagonist of this story is none other than our silent Shabbir! Four friends Hitesh, Kushal, Shabbir and Sean had gone to Electronics City to eat a second lunch and feast on some Baskin Robbins ice cream.

Towards the end of lunch the waiter brought us the bill which was split between the four of us. As the four got up to go Sean noticed Shabbir picking his plate up and walking. Startled Sean asked, "Shabbir kya kar raha hai? Kaha le ja raha plate?"

Shabbir thought they were still in college and that he had to give his plate to the dish washing place. Realizing what he was doing, he dropped the plate back on the table and all the four burst out in splits of laughter.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Back After A Week

We are all back again. After a week of fun and flutter. One coming from the far north (Probably love sick). One coming from the north cured of his love sickness. Another one coming from the same north ready to get back into the love action. One The fourth coming back from town relaxed and charged (No idea about love here). The last lunatic also coming back from town (Forever love sick).