Amar Sean Prashant Shabbir & Harris

Amar Sean Prashant Shabbir & Harris

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

High on???

If you have read the Halal post then this is a continuation of that. On our way back we met Ankita and Arpita (was it coincidence or planned???) who had just come back from town. Near the library a few droplets started to fall from the sky. To this Sean commented, "Its gonna rain soon". Amar who was busy in his own world (you know which one!!!) trying to impress someone said, "Sean is high on coke (Coca Cola not cocaine*)."

Around 10 mins later it started drizzling and Sean said, "I was probably high on coke but you were high on something else. (Or may i say someone else)".

* We had just celebrated Vineet's success with cake and coke.


Unknown said...

so slowly the truth's being disclosed abt amar good :)

Unknown said...

amar!!!! i know wats happening now!!!


hey guys why are u still guessing?? there still any scope left to guess abt both the couples.....;)

The 'Above Average' Girl said...

guys!wat is amar's story??

Sean said...

Parul i would suggest you observe Amar to guess the answer.

ankita said...

...or rather i shud say meeting sumone else was ur plan....n wat were u doing that time ???
me,harris and amar were togthr,bt u were not with us...where were u?????

Sean said...

well i was busy somewhere else. i dont deny it :P

Unknown said...

busy sumwhere else or with sumone else?